The vendors listed on this page offer services such as Medicaid claims inquiry, payment history inquiry, payment status inquiry, or recipient eligibility inquiry. Services offered vary by vendor. Please check with the particular vendor for a list of services available. Services offered are web or telephonic-based.

Medicaid Inquiry Services Vendors Pricing Information
The Internet-based services listed above may require a flat-rate or per-transaction cost for services. Pricing may vary by vendor. For more information on a particular vendor's pricing schedule, see the contact information provided on the vendor's web site. The Conduent New Mexico Medicaid AVRS is available for use free of charge.

Security, Privacy, and Linking Policies
To ensure the confidentiality and privacy of your information, each vendor listed on this page employs its own strategy for user identification and verification, such as encrypting data and requiring entry of a User ID and Password. Security requirements such as these ensure that only legitimate parties have access to services. These security requirements are a function of each vendor or service provider. Neither Conduent nor the New Mexico Medicaid Program is responsible for enforcing the security and privacy policies of external vendors.